Best pillow based on sleep tracker data
In my long quest for better sleep, I’ve been measuring my sleep quality religiously night after night. I’ve tested many home remedies and sleep products proclaiming benefits for better sleep, and though I’ve found some solutions that have improved my sleep moderately over time, I haven’t found anything that has…
Does taking a bath before bedtime improve sleep?
In the quest for a good night’s sleep, we often find ourselves exploring unconventional avenues, and one such soothing ritual is the humble bath. The age-old practice of bathing before bedtime has been touted as a remedy for relaxation and improved sleep quality. But is there any merit to this…
How does Nyquil affect sleep when sick?
Falling sick with the flu or a common cold can be miserable. Not only do you feel tired during the day, but you might not even be able to fall asleep at night due to coughing. I religiously measure my sleep quality at night, and when I caught the flu,…
How does alcohol affect sleep?
Trouble falling asleep? Some may (unwisely) suggest that a nightcap might help you fall asleep more quickly. But how does this impact the actual quality of sleep? I am on a personal quest to improve my sleep, and I’ve measured my sleep while testing a bunch of home remedies and…
How does melatonin impact sleep?
Ever wondered if that trendy sleep aid, melatonin, is the secret sauce for a night of ZZZs? After reading about the role melatonin can play in getting more consistent sleep, I decided to test the impact it had on my sleep quality. Armed with my trusty Apple Watch, I measured…