
I am not a doctor, and you should consult a medical professional before taking any medications or supplements. The tests I perform here will reflect the actual results from my experience, but they may not generalize in the same way for everybody.

That said, I am very rigorous about structuring my tests, and the results you see here will all be the real data measured from my Apple Watch. I measure everything religiously, so we can have empirical data to look at together. I never take old wives’ tales or online articles at their word, and I will independently test everything myself.

Some of my links may provide an affiliate commission in the event that you make a purchase through the link, but I do not decide what to test based on affiliate commissions. I may invest in or have ownership shares in any companies mentioned, but I do not provide investment advice. My views expressed here may or may not necessarily reflect the views of my former employer, and any opinions are my own.

Your mileage may vary, and what works for me might not work for you. I hope you have a smooth journey on your own path to better sleep.

David Stewart Profile

David Stewart

David is a former statistics consultant.